Learn public speaking
lose the Fear of Public Speaking
Achieve effective and strategic communication
Public speaking is one of the human actions that causes the most anxiety and fear.
Presenting ourselves to others affects us regardless of our position, professional experience, age, or level of education, so that our ability to present, argue, reason, react, and negotiate diminishes during the time of exposure.
Communication training is the process that allows us to overcome fear in order to think and speak simultaneously and react in real time. That is, to communicate in a conscious, effective, and goal-oriented manner.
How Do We Begin?
Here’s What We’ll Analyze:
We analize your communication skills
We learn how to persuade with structures that work
Modes of presentation: body language, movement, voice and silence.

Philologist and communication and language teacher
Actress and TV presenter
I’m María.
I have lived in Madrid since 2004 but was born in Guadalajara, a Castillian city in the centre of Spain.
I have worked as an actress, and because of this, I have had to fight against the feeling of being observed by others. I have been nervous, I’ve lacked confidence, and of course I’ve also felt fear, often days or even weeks ahead of the date of filming or release of a project.
Alongside learning to manage this, I have also had to learn how to utilise texts, incorporate movements, and take directions from production teams in addition to learning how to emote effectively with my gaze.